Just Roll With It Series Wiki
                      This is the weekly update for 7/28/19

Andi Mack

No News

Raven's Home


⚠️ RAVEN-SYMONE HAS ESTABLISHED A RUMOR THAT RAVEN’S HOME WILL END AFTER SEASON 3! Raven recently was in an interview where she said in the future she plans to focus on her motherhood, her degree, and directing TV. This is a clue that they might write off Raven somehow or Disney Channel will cancel Raven’s home after Season 3! This is real bad.

Coop and Cami Ask the World

No News

Sydney to the Max

No News



Miranda May has a perfect idea for a crossover with Raven’s Home! This now makes it interesting. Sydney to the Max is connected to Austin & Ally meaning it’s also connected to Jessie and Bunk’d and if Miranda May is even able to think this idea can work then, Sydney to the Max is possibly also connected to Raven’s home. This leads to many scenario crossovers!

